Conflict-Tolerant and Conflict-Free Multi-Agent Meeting
Dor Atzmon, Ariel Felner, Jiaoyang Li, Shahaf Shperberg, Nathan Sturtevant, Sven Koenig.
Artificial Intelligence, volume 322, pages 103950, 2023.
[bibtex] [publisher]
@article{ AtzmonAIJ23,
author = "Dor Atzmon and Ariel Felner and Jiaoyang Li and Shahaf Shperberg and Nathan Sturtevant and Sven Koenig",
title = "Conflict-Tolerant and Conflict-Free Multi-Agent Meeting",
journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
volume = "322",
number = "",
pages = "103950",
year = "2023",
doi = "10.1016/j.artint.2023.103950",