Arbitrarily Scalable Environment Generators via Neural Cellular Automata
Yulun Zhang, Matthew C. Fontaine, Varun Bhatt, Stefanos Nikolaidis, Jiaoyang Li.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), pages 57212-57225, 2023.
[bibtex] [publisher] [arXiv] [code] [talk]
@inproceedings{ ZhangNeurIPS23,
author = "Yulun Zhang and Matthew C. Fontaine and Varun Bhatt and Stefanos Nikolaidis and Jiaoyang Li",
title = "Arbitrarily Scalable Environment Generators via Neural Cellular Automata",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)",
pages = "57212-57225",
year = "2023",
doi = "",