16891: Multi-Robot Planning and Coordination

Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2025

Last update: 10-22-2024

More details can be found in course canvas.

Course Introduction


The course provides a graduate-level introduction to the field of multi-robot planning and coordination from both AI and robotics perspectives. Topics for the course include multi-robot cooperative task planning, multi-robot path/motion planning, learning for coordination, coordinating robots under uncertainty, etc. The course will particularly focus on state-of-the-art Multi-Agent Path Finding algorithms that can coordinate hundreds of robots with rigorous theoretical guarantees. Current applications for these technologies will be highlighted, such as mobile robot coordination for warehouses and drone swarm control.


There is no assigned textbook for this class. Reference materials are provided in the course schedule as well as the lecture slides.

Course Description:

The course includes lectures, research paper presentations and discussions, and course projects. The majority of this course is a seminar-style survey of issues and approaches to planning and coordination in multi-robot systems. Although the subject area is multi-robot coordination, it is also an explicit goal of this course to advance students’ critical thinking and communication skills, which is achieved through discussions, presentations, and report writing.

Prerequisite knowledge:

There are no formal prerequisites for this class.
Informally, students should be familiar with algorithms and informed search (for example, A*). Students should also have basic knowledge of probability and physics (kinematics).

Course topics:

Each of the following 7 topics will be covered by 2-5 lectures:

Course Activities and Grading

Paper presentation15%
Paper reading17%
Coding assignment20%
Research project48%

Summary of reading lists and research projects from previous years can be found here: spring 2024, spring 2023.

Tentative Schedule

01/13Lecture 0Overview
01/15Lecture 1Basics of MAPF: A*-based Optimal Methods
01/20Martin Luther King DayNo Class
01/22Lecture 2Basics of MAPF: CBS-based Optimal Methods
01/27Lecture 3Basics of MAPF: CBS-based Optimal Methods
01/29Lecture 4Basics of MAPF: Bounded-suboptimal Methods
02/03Lecture 5Basics of MAPF: Greedy Methods
02/05Lecture 6Combined Task and Path Planning: Anonymous MAPF and TAPF
02/10Paper Discussion 1Combined Task and Path Planning: Recent Progress (p1,p2,p3)
02/12Lecture 7Planning and Coordination under Uncertainty: Robust MAPF with Robust Execution
02/17Paper Discussion 2Planning and Coordination under Uncertainty: Recent Progress (p4,p5,p6)
02/19Lecture 8Planning with Robot Dynamics: Overview
02/24Paper Discussion 3Planning with Robot Dynamics: Recent Progress (p7,p8,p9)
02/26Guest Lecture 1TBA
03/03Spring BreakNo Class
03/05Spring BreakNo Class
03/10Lecture 9Decentralized Path Planning: ORCA and Shard System
03/12Lecture 10Decentralized Path Planning: Distributed PP and Distributed CSP
03/17Paper Discussion 4Decentralized Path Planning: Recent Progress (p10,p11,p12)
03/19Lecture 11Decentralized Task Allocation: Auction-based methods
03/24Paper Discussion 5Decentralized Task Allocation: Recent Progress (p13,p14,p15)
03/26Lecture 12Lifelong and Online Planning: Task and Path Planning
03/31Lecture 13Lifelong and Online Planning: Interleaving Planning and Execution
04/02Lecture 14Learning for Planning and Coordination: Overview
04/07Paper Discussion 6Learning for Planning and Coordination: Recent Progress (p16,p17,p18)
04/09Guest Lecture 2TBA
04/14Lecture 15Applications
04/16Lecture 16Applications
04/21Project Presentation 1 
04/23Project Presentation 2